With over 40 years of publishing experience, Summit Catalog Co. is committed to providing customers with quality products and services that support their industries and meet their needs on a timely basis.
To assure our clients complete and excellent service, Summit strives to engage, train and retain a motivated staff that is professionally focused on the needs of our customers.
To publish with Summit, in most cases, an edited inventory list with the manufacturer item numbers is all that we require.
Carry a product that we do not already have? We acquire the descriptive text and graphics directly from the manufacturer. We can also do an on-site custom photo shoot.
Not sure what type of advertisement your company can benefit from? We will help you determine what that is. We offer several products designed to meet your needs. We also offer translation services.
To begin the publishing process with Summit, please contact Catalog Sales at (303) 694-4545 x12 or x13.
brettm@summitcat.com allent@summitcat.com